Beacon Digital Embroidery & Print is a design firm that is registered under the Registrar General Office. We are into different types of modern-day digital technology printing. By deeds of teamwork and hard work, we have come this far. We provide services such as DESIGNING, DIGITAL EMBROIDERY, ID CARD PRINTING, DIGITAL TEXTILE PRINTING, LARGE FORMAT PRINTING, SEWING OF P.E WEAR, LABCOAT, LACOSTE AND T-SHIRTS, PEN AND MUG PRINTING, SOCKS PRINTING, GAS PRINTING, CREST, ENGRAVING AND MANY OTHERS.
We print from cotton to wood, metal to silver, plastic to paper, and everything powered by both digital or printing technology.
We provide minimal human errors, meet deadlines, and lower operation costs.
The company has the capability to produce any quantities our clients demand from us.
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Our Vision
To be the meaning of Excellence in the Printing and Publishing Industries. We aim at nothing but the best in all our Services.
Our Mission
We exist primarily to print and publish very high quality of goods and services for Educational Institutions, Government Departments and the General Public at competitive prices.
Our Values
As a Printing Company, our values drive us to offer World Class Services to our clients and the General Public.